Wow I feel like I just shot John Wayne!
John Wayne????? You not only shot John Wayne but also, The Riffleman, Davey Crocket, Daniel Boone, Bill Cosby, Grizzley Adams, Hoss Cartwright, Bugs Bunny, the entire cast of Sesame St., Johnny Carson, Joel Bernstien (Ok you get some points there)
I was a comedian/entertainer for 15 years of my life, all of the so called "Pro's" hated me and my act pointing out all the hackiness (in their opinion) but while they were sitting at my show paying to see me and I'm making a killer living. The guy may not teach things the way you like but he does teach, I "Get" his shortcuts, he's assuming that if your watching a video on tramming a mill you probably know the basics and he skips over them to get to the meat & potatoes. I learned more from magazine articles back before internet days than I did from reading a whole book on the same subject. Why? Because they just gave you the important/essential info because of space restraints, getting right to the point & not boring you or overloading you mind with things that are not all that important to my (thing I already new or had the common sense to figure out).
Obviously you don't need his lessons & that's great, but I do and I know what to disregard in his presentation & what is extremely important. I don't nit pick them I just glean the good info and chalk the rest up to his style. Anyway you look at it he's a good man.
Your entitled to your opinion and I respect that right, but you really came at him guns a blazing. I bet if you made shooting instructional videos and made hundreds of them out of the goodness of your heart & no matter how great they are there would be somebody that comes along and says what kind of ridiculous jerk you are and your methods are gonna get somebody killed.
If you look at this/my posts from all angles you will find I'm not being an A hole just injecting some comedic input, that's my story & I'm sticking to it :rofl::rofl::rofl: