Anybody know what it costs to return something to Hong Kong?


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
That's all...That's my question. I bought what was supposed to be a 60 degree dovetail cutter from Hong Kong on Ebay, and it arrived yesterday as a 45 degree dovetail cutter. I should have known better I suppose. Anyhow, I expect it'll cost more to return it than it cost me to buy the darn thing. Darn the luck!
I'm sure for the price you paid , it may be just worth holding onto . Order another one in a 45 degree and maybe you'll get a 60 . ;)
Ordering overseas stuff isn't worth the $$ , my .02

I know it's not what you wanted to hear .
If is was advertised as a 60 degree cutter, but they sent you a different one, contact the seller and ask for a replacement. If they don't comply, submit a claim via eBay and they will set in. If eBay doesn't help (which I haven't really heard of) submit a claim with PayPal.

I'm sure they will handle it for you if the seller doesn't comply as long as it was advertised as a 60 degree dovetail cutter.

+ one on what Ted said I just went through this recently myself and after E-Bay stepped in I got a full refund.....
What's yer problem? Ain't ya got no way to tilt the head o' yer mill 15 degrees? :)
I was thinking about that. I can't tilt the vise or table, but I do believe I have a sine bar around here somewhere. Maybe this would be my opportunity to learn how to use it. Although the the dovetail will be about 12 inches long when it's done. It seems likely to me that my personal skill would be the limiting factor.

As for the seller, they've admitted fault in the listing. Originally they offered to send a replacement, which I accepted. The next message they sent said that their purchasing manager had listed the item they have incorrectly. Which I assume means they don't have the one I wanted. In the second message, they offered a 15 dollar refund. They are very concerned about getting 5 star feedback, with admonishments to PLEASE not leave neutral or negative feedback, as this is their key to business success or some such. I wanted to tell them their key to business success should be accuracy, and quality of the item. But I didn't feel like lecturing them would really help. So I guess I'll get a partial refund, and figure out how to close the gap on that extra 15 degrees.