Any Love for Trav-A-Dials?

I'll let everyone know via this thread if I put them on eBay. Or if they find a new, more local home.
I've been looking for a Trav-A-Dial setup for my Sheldon lathe for several years. I've come across several, but they are either in such bad shape it would cost more to repair them than it's worth, or they're missing the mounting hardware. I've always liked them and prefer them to a DRO on a lathe. The original units are getting harder to come by and Southwestern Industries no longer has parts for, or repairs many of the older models

I'm about to the point of buying a DRO. I've had an Electrinica EL400 on my Bridgeport for nearly 10 years and it's been trouble free. I'm just not sure I want to spend another $1,100.00 for one.