Another VFD Question -Fluxmaster 50

I have been struggling with this VFD from day one. When I went to see this Bridgeport before I purchased it the VFD gave the same error codes.
For the record, It's the original GE 1HP, 3 phase, step pulley motor.
I am getting an intermittent stoppage during use with an error code OCA. Every time I toggle off the Drum Switch I get an "OCA" code. I reset and it may start up or it may give me another OCA code, another reset and it works fine, until the next power cycle.
I have checked the amp readings on the 3 legs to the 1hp motor, 2.87, 2.97 and 3.04. That's good right?
I have checked the HP range of the VFD, I have checked the wiring and the ground. I am fairly confident the motor is good.

This is how I have it set up=

Accel time 5 seconds F01
Decel time 5 seconds F02
F03 factory
F04 rotation
Hertz 60hz "04" F05
Hertz upper limit 75 F06
Hertz lower limit 30 F07
SP1 Frequency 10hz -factory setting F08
JOG frequency 6hz. F09
F10 keypad
F11 keypad-terminal
Carrier frequency 5 F12
Torque Compensation 5% F13
Stop Method Controlled- Stop/Coast to stop (I have it set to coast to stop but I have "F02" Decel time 5 seconds= conflict? Will this cause an OCA " F14
DC Braking frequency F15, F16, F17 = factory settings
Electronic Thermal protection I have it set to 13? It should be 100% right? F18
F19, F20 and F21 are Multi-Function input controls-Not applicable.
F22 reverse lock out =factory setting 0
Momentary power loss zero=enabled F23
Auto restart- set to 0 F24
SP2 frequency 20 F26
SP3 Frequency 30 F27

In the manual, OCA means, "Overcurrent at Acceleration"
Possible Cause- Acceleration time too short or Improper V/F function selection or Applied motor capacity exceeds AC drive capacity.
Countermeasure, Adjust accel time or adjust to proper V/F curve-(If I knew what this meant???) or Replace the a/c drive with appropriate capacity. ??

If you have one of these Fluxmaster VFD's and have an idea what may be going on with my set up, PLEASE let me know if you see any red flags in the way I have it set.
Thank you.


It's possible your drum switch wiring was picking up interference, but anyhow those big old switches are not ideal for low voltage/low current use, they can have high contact resistance which can give squirrelly results