Oh, I know it's backordered until probably the end of the summer. It actually has given me the time to figure out important stuff like how it's going to get into the basement and where all the stuff that is currently down there is going to go to make room.
I'm going to be making calls today and I might be forced to re-evaluate but right now, I don't feel like I could safely get it down the fairly narrow stair without completely screwing up the brand new concrete we did last fall (much less the door way or the lathe itself. Even if I could get it in, there is stil lthe issue of getting it up on the stand and I have fairly low ceilings so I'm not even sure an engine hoist would work. In addition, I don't have an engine hoist so would have to go buy one. I know they are not that expensive but it starts to add up. My thinking was $200 shipping from PM + $50 liftgate service + $200 for a hoist + beer money to bribe people to help starts getting close to what a rigger might cost (or maybe I'm completely ignorant, we'll see).