I got my DRO scales and mounts installed and successfully powered it all on yesterday.
For the z-axis reader mount, I started with the metal angles and long piece included with the scale/mount from Aikron. Then printed an orange plastic piece to space this the right distance from the carriage. It worked fine
However, I'd drawn up the part in Fusion 360 and it was designed to only need machining on one side. So, after the plastic protoype proved the shapes and sizes, I used my printNC to cut the part from aluminum. I suspect the plastic part would have worked just fine, but the aluminum one does look nice.
For the x axis reader mount, I had cut a piece of aluminum with the bandsaw and drill press. Pretty easy to do with hand layout. For the scale, I printed a bracket to attach the back bolt and brace the side (picture is taken from above). Part worked on the first attempt.
However, I'm not quite satisfied with this part. Two reasons.
First, I suspect that for this use the ABS plastic might not be the best material. It's almost 4" long and the coefficient of thermal expansion for ABS is pretty high compared to steel and cast iron. So the part may tend to expand in a Texas summer.....which may move the scale.
Second, I'm blocking the end of the T-slot with the part. Granted that I don't even know why I want a T-slot there, but I'm sure there are good reasons for it. If I do remove some material to allow access to the T-slot, the remaining section will be fairly thin.
So, I will likely redo this part in aluminum too. But, it will probably be a month or more till I get some 1" by 3"aluminum stock to cut it.