I've used Ali and BG for some purchases where 1. I wasn't in a hurry. 2. The price was significantly cheaper.
But to be perfectly honest, I will be curbing much of my purchases based on the product being from china. It is time for everyone to step up and support manufacturing in whatever country they reside in. If it just isn't available anywhere but from china then I may choose to go without or hold my nose and buy it.
I don't care for China any more than the the next guy, but buying American on a hobby budget is very tough to do. For example, I was looking at sine plates the other day. I went to Suburban Tool's website (because I love their videos) and lo and behold, their sine plates and vises are only just about what I paid for my 1022 lathe. If I opt for the bigger simple sine plate, it costs slightly more than my Taiwanese built 833T mill.
The ship sailed about 20 years ago on affordable new American products. No politician will change that with tariffs or any other method.
I have found very good products out of Czech and Eastern Europe. I also buy old American, but only on auctions. It is the only way I can afford it.