Air drier for compressed air

Do a Google search for "Franzinator". I've had one set up between my compressor and tank for a couple of years and have had no water accumulation in the tank.
Thats interesting, I do not agree with their theory, and think it is overly complicated. But still interesting.
If this is a new problem then maybe air dryer will help but there may be another problem.Air dryers are rated in cfm's so maybe look into what your air compressor produce.Humid days such when its raining is terrible for air compressors,more so if they are running a lot due to leaks.May help to install drip legs at each station with drain valve and water separator.Regardless of the size of air dryer,anything will help
Southwest Louisiana is not a place to find dry air. This has been a long time problem and I've finally got the time and energy to work on it. The compressor is located outside the shop under a shed roof. No chance to AC the air going in. I get at least a pint of water a day. Just guessing, never measured. last week I got 6 yellow jacket stings too.
I've got a couple weeks to think about it. Taking 3 week trip to the north hoping to escape the heat for a while.
I'll probably build an after cooler with an auto drain and desiccant dryers at each drop. That sounds like the cheapest and I have most of the materials on hand.
I'm unsure of the HF stuff. If it uses electricity I don't have a lot of trust. Haven't bought anything like that in a few years, maybe quality is getting better.

Thanx for all the ideas and suggestions.

Been running the harbor freight refrigerated unit for 6 years now no complaints and no water. Run a plasma table and sandblasting cabinet. Not daily but 5-6 hours straight when I do. The compressor will get to hot to hold your hand on it.