It is mostly a money-losing proposition. But we do what we are asked to do...I was just at my local laundromat doing a comforter that doesn't fit in my machine- many of their machines were out of service- now I know why
ps you haven't mentioned cost yet- I suspect that this is a money-losing proposition no matter which way you approach it- sorry to be so negative
If I was doing it, I would:
1) as suggested above find a way to mill out the old rack teeth, leaving a "pocket" such that a new rack plate could be fitted (bolted, pinned, soldered, adhesive, etc.)
What happened to Whitmore's post? It has some good insight. I weighted and measured the metal, and it is .1385 lb/cu in. So probably about 26% zinc.
I also took a close look a the 'sliding U' and it doesn't have any play in it that I can detect. That was good advice.
If we solve a nation wide epidemic, I would be pleased. lol But I would be happy just fixing my small world.