Advice on machine choice

I have an LMS 3990, which is the 4190 without the shiny hand wheels, knobby Z-Axis handles and DRO. I added:

LMS 2” Riser Block​
LMS Tachometer​
Smaller X- & Y-Axis Locking Knobs​
Priest Tools Deluxe Spindle Brake​
Phenom Engineering Y-Axis Thrust Bearing Kit​
LMS X-Axis Power Feed​
3-Axis iGaging/TouchDRO​
Upgraded Y-Axis Bellows (McMaster 1320K141)​
Z-Axis Fine Feed Knob w/Handle​
Flexible Task Light (Amazon ASIN B09VDLB4JH)​
Z-Axis Coarse Feed Hand Wheel​
The size works for me, but if I had it to do over I would go with the PM 728VT. Significantly higher cost, but as others have noted bigger/more rigid is better as long as it will fit in the available space (and for the most part I could make it fit). I like LMS machines and customer service, but don't like their choice of DRO system (see @ycroosh's pages on this topic). If I upgrade to the PM 728VT, I will drive out to their facility (another advantage of PM vs. LMS, for me at least), get a good demo and talk about how I would want it setup (depending on the scales they would work with, I'd want them to install the scales and I would handle the DRO).

You can see the size shop I am working in here: