Your speed is kinda fast, It's great to use "book" speed if you know exactly what your cutting! I'd start slow (700rpm) and increase speed as required. If your end mill is burned you better to try another or cut deeper in the wood so that the steel is cutting with new sharp edges. 1008 is a low carbon steel, are you using 2 or 4 flute?
The cutter has four flutes.
Is the flutes clean of have chips stuck to them of jammed full? I think what was happening is you part was lifting and probably damaged the tip of the mill.
The chips do get packed in pretty tight, and I had to use the point of a scribe to dislodge them.
Your better off Milling the other way. Turn the piece 90 degrees, use something better than wood on the bottom and use a long piece of steel along the full length of the cut same as you have on the bottom, End mill will lift the work. I see that you are feeding down, start with the mill thru the work and move in rather than down.
This all makes good sense. The table won't move in-and-out enough to mount the work the other way.
Thanks for such detailed answers.