Acute Tool Sharpening System

I just got an email back from Eccentric Engineering. They're working on it. I've attached a screen shot of the entire email for your dining and dancing pleasure. If you're interested, you might want to send them an email of your own, so they know there's a customer base out here.

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 12.57.13 PM.jpg
I spoke to Gary, the owner, he is finalizing a batch of full units and is trying to find time to finish the instructional dvd for how to use it before they go on proper sale. Nice bloke, sounds like most of the work is done in house, one man show. Fair bit evolved in making one, I think I'll buy a completed one as I'm not good enough to do it yet.
Well I got over excited when browsing his website and found the Diamond tool holders, I don't have any HSS holders as yet so decided they look like a good set and they turned up yesterday! look good, got a small selection of HSS and a couple Crobalt bits to try, hopefully I can put them to use soon, wife away sick kids and work don't add up to much shed time.