AAAARRRRGGGG - dropped TDI to it's end


Active User
Finally found some shop time and the mind space to focus on the project at hand. not rushed or anything I setup the RT on the mill table and clamp it down, I then eyeball it to be concentric with the spindle, and install the TDI on the spindle (using one of those clamps that clamps onto the ER32 chuck ring) I position the DTI so run freely inside the bore of the RT to make sure it is somewhat concentric, then slightly releasing the TDI holder to reposition the tip against the RT to make contact...
At that moment, the TDI slips from my hand... bounces off of the RT and plummets to it's horrible end on the floor mat (rubber mind you).

TDI no longer takes reading or responds to the tip movements :( projects comes to a complete halt.

ordered a couple new TDIs (to have one backup).

frustsrating :angry:
Sorry for your loss. Makes you wonder what is going through a TDI or any tools mind right before it jumps. Sad.
Breaking it is bad enough, having to wait for a new one sucks. Seems like there is a store nearby for everything but when you need something for the shop it has to be ordered. Hope your order comes in quickly
Sorry to hear that Sharon. I am glad you posted it though, it shows that these mishaps don't just happen if you are new to this game. They can happen any time guys and it doesn't matter how experienced you are.

"Billy G" :thinking:
The story of my life and why I do not purchase really "nice" tools. I have manged to cripple every dial caliper I've purchased. I'm glad I have less than $100 in all of them. I've found that it is relatively easy to buy tools that are either "good enough" or can perform beyond my abilities. If this was my bread and butter - yes. But this a hobby.

Butterfinger Bill
Time to get the jewelers screwdrivers out and take the back off the indicator to see what's wrong. It's already broken so you can't hurt it but you may be able to fix it. I've over traveled and dropped a few in my lifetime and sometimes it's a easy fix(spring popped off or gear knocked out of place).
I confess

I seem to drop mine every now and then, Those DTI seem to only take one dropping and they are toast. Ive learned this from dropping so many. I have come to learn, drop it once, you can drop it twice. The second time, straight in the garbage can. The dial indicators that are 1- inch travel seem to take much more impact than the DTIs do. So these days, I make sure I have a total of three. Just incase I have a really bad day. I sure does suck when the job comes to a grinding holt over it.
Mine took a dive of the lathe stand just last thuresday. Harbor freight conviniently sent me a coupon book on friday. Coincidinc that the "incidint" and the coupon arival happened in less than 24 hours. May be a tool conspiracy!!!!:thinking:
I read the first post trying to imaging how you dropped your Volkswagen on the end...:thinking:

AHHH, DTI not TDI:lmao: