Something don't add up here. If you turn the OD of the collet chuck down to .875 with an ID of.657 that leaves you with .218 divided by 2 = .109 wall thickness. That should work. If you bore out the inside to .75, that will leave you with a wall thickness of .0625 which is pretty thin for something subjected to side loading stress. I thick you will end up with a bad TIR. Just my thoughts.I really appreciate all the responses, thank you. this hobby lathe has no morse taper.and id of about .875 ,the collet holder shaft is hollow. id .657 od .995 . my plan is to chuck the collet shaft between centers and to turn to a diameter to fit in the chuck. and then shorten the shaft so that the collet does not stick out more than is necessary.and possibly bore the id to pass 3/4 in bar.however all is presently on hold till the back problem is resolved.