A Project Quest

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Gruby
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We like to prolong the agony Bill. ROTFLMBO

Preload to the rear bearing will happen when the rear nut pushes the bearing forward against the Belleville washers and spacer. Front preload is preset.

Not to be too picky here. But if I am looking at the post of the spindle. Is the rear bearing drawn backwards ? It looks to me like the belleville washers would release the load unless the bearing was turned around.
No, it is pushed forward by a manufactured preload nut. They are made for this specific purpose. There is a revised drawing that addresses this.

I understand that but I was looking at the ball races and they looked like they would loosen the ball instead. guess it is me though.
Mark & Bill,

No doubt, you teachers are not confused by the facts. However, students tend to be confused when the graphics don't match the words.
Can you please correct/clarify the following inconsistencies?

The design posted shows the lines of force in the wrong orientation for a 5205 double row angular contact bearing.
The design posted shows the single row angular contact bearing being UNloaded by the spring washers (not preloaded).
The single row angular contact bearing shown isn't a 20205 single row spherical roller bearing as specified in the post following #223.
The lighter lines seem to be correct as lines of force for all the bearings. I agree that the dark lines on the front bearings seem wrong for lines of force there. The rear bearing still looks backwards to me.