A Good Saturday Indeed

Ozwelder, you're not wrong there. I've got a small pair of Chinese vicegrips that have snapped clean across the back of the top jaw - and they were only used to hold items for wirewheel brushing or welding, never really used in anger.
I have to say I never actually bought them, I "inherited" them from a mates estate when his sister was doing his shed cleanup.
That point about products being sold with good American brand names displayed, and even the U.S. flag on it, when it's all made in China, really grates on me.
I have a real obsession with acquiring top-quality American-made tooling, whether it's just hand tools or machines.
I decided I was only going to buy cobalt drills and drill sets in future, I was so cheesed off with regular drill quality (plus the fact that I always seem to need to drill something that's high-tensile!) :)
I recently bought a small set of "American Vermont" cobalt drills, that proudly displayed the U.S. flag, had "U.S.A." written on it, in a couple of places - and I was appalled to find once I opened the packet, that the label said, in superfine print, "drills made in China, (plastic) drill box made in U.S.A.". :mad:
The dog was not part of the deal, thats Mr. French the french bulldog.
Hes taken the roll as shop foreman, and lays around in front of the fan or heater. Sometimes I show him what I made, so far the only reply I get is a snort, then he rolls over and goes back to sleep.
I have 2 shops now, so if I leave one and go to the other he follows. My wife said its because he loves me, but I know hes keeping an eye on me to keep me from slacking.

Sent from somewhere in East Texas Jake Parker
When a doggie goes back to sleep, that means all is well.
He definitely loves you.
Dogs Rule!