7x10 CNC conversion


Active User
Oct 20, 2012
Getting around to converting my 7x10, need a little help if possible?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4hIaNVtVXS4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



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Found the problem, it was a issue with Mach, will post another video later. I still can't figure out how embed videos

to embed the videos in you post . on the screen when your posting there is a menu at the top under where title goes
on row 2 the right side there is an icon that looks like film, click on it and the video url goes in there.
that will make a nice little lathe, I have been working on my 9x20 but i'm still not finished
here is a helpful tip:
i found this on the mach site. to calibrate the axis's for your lathe start mach3 in mill mode and use the axis calibration in the settings screen there.
check and set your backlash compensation first
then go to the motor tuning screen in mill do a calabration and write down what it set the motors to.
take that and then start machturn and use those numbers in the lathe motor tuning.
it works really well
to keep from messing up your mill settings for the zx45. clone mach3mill in the startup list, name the clone test and use it for testing the lathe with a mill screen

just can't figure this out, any ideas

If you still have my number call
if not pm me and i'll give you the number
it's an easy fix by phone

Your 7x10 profile seems to be using the Mach3Mill screen and moving the axes correctly(though both are backwards-Z should go positive as it moves away from the headstock, while X should go positive as it moves toward you(away from the lathe centerline), while the mach3turn profile is using the correct Mach3turn screens, but moving the wrong axes.

I see that you do have the same port/pin set for the axes in both profiles, which seems to indicate that one of them is corrupted, but it would be helpful to know which DRO on the mach screen changes when the axes move in each setup. It is possible that Mach is working perfectly but that there is something wrong in your pendant setup-how is that pendant attached? Is it USB, serial, or another method?

Why are you using 2 different profiles? Pick one of them, and get it to work correctly. Do you know how to load a screenset?&nbsp;Since your 7x10 profile is moving the correct axes, I would just load the mach3turn screen set in that profile, and call it a day.

the pentant has to be setup for each profile you go into. setting it in mill did not set it in turn.
go to the hotkeys screen and set it up then reverse your direction settings in motor inputs by checking or unchecking the dir box to make the axis move negative when you request a negative move.
Having another problem if anyone can help me out[video=youtube_share;qQBKslbP6h8]http://youtu.be/qQBKslbP6h8[/video]