Be VERY careful you don't swap placement of drive pulleys on the Themac toolpost grinder, if you put them opposite, spindle/motor, the spindle turns at such a high rpm that the grinding wheel WILL shatter and the shrapnel WILL cause serious injury. We had a guy that did our grinding of tool parts on one of these, we made bearing seals so there was a LOT of round work. Anyhow, one day he messes up with the pulleys on the grinder with a 3" cup wheel. I was a half dozen lathes away from him and heard the Themac start up, whine at an ungawdly speed and the wheel shatter with a blast that sounded like a gunshot. Shrapnel sprayed for 30 feet. We ALWAYS stood off to the side when srarting these things up, just in case. Wheels CAN be cracked in shipping, we used to sound all our bigger wheels by lightly 'dinging' them with a wrench, if you hear a sound like a bell you were gtg. If it made a 'clunk' type noise there was a problem with the wheel and we would take a hammer to it so it never got used.
If you use the Themac, cover your bed ways with cloth or something that will pick up the grinding grit, we were grinding 60-62 Rc tool steel so the grit will EASILY score your bed ways.
Dress the wheel using a diamond in your tailstock, wheeling it in and out to face your wheel then use a Norbide stick or a mounted diamond to make relief on the face of the wheel, leaving a small flat on the wheel left by the diamond in the tailstock. You only want a little land on the wheel to do the cutting.