I just went to yahoo and typed in qctp. Qctp plans popped up as an option. I clicked it and all different kinds of plans popped up with a variety of difficulty. There is something out there just waiting for you to see and make your own. you might need to change scale of some parts, but no step for a stepper. I can't decide which one to do myself, when mill is finished I'll pick one and dive in. Good luck
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Something I noticed about prefab Chinese carbide bits, is they do not sit the same height from bit to bit. I have two sets and no two bits cut at the same height. If you don't grind bits or use qctp, shimming will be required. Something to consider when determining the depth of that facing cut. You will also probably lose the detents set at 90 degrees if you cut the bottom of the fourway.
Great haven't had a chance to look yet, was in the garage mounting my spindle box. Now just have to save up for a R8 collet kit and I can finish the mill off.