I had a great experience buying on AliExpress. I got a Easson brand DRO for hundreds less than Dro Pros. The guy 'Willson' I bought from was very knowledgeable and helpful. https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1021179?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.IeRNAd
Was that in the $400-500 range?
I got a DRO from "Wilson" today. So did a friend on this forum. 3 axis, ANY length scales up to 1000 mm (custom made per order, over 1000mm to 3000 mm at additional price), slim scales at the same price. .0002" (.005 mm) resolution. I paid $227.80 and free freight via UPS. Other resolution scales available. Wilson can communicate well in English, and the operator's manual seems to be written in good English. Arrived today, checked it out, it works and looks good. Now to install it...
Which manufacturer and model? Was that a Sinpo or Siton unit?
I was looking at the link above from Eddyde and see they have the ES-12C DRO with 3 GS10 glass scales for $473.80 shipped, well that is really hard to beat, I have not seen the ES12B/C at this price as complete systems from any vendor previously. A number of HM member's have the newer ES-12B or C (same model different display orientation) and they are great DROs, well worth the additional spend if you want a graphical display and easier to use milling functions. I have the older ES-12 on my lathe and it works wonderfully. You could also purchase a 1 micron slimline scale for the spindle axis on a mill or for the cross slide on a lathe.
Seriously considering the ES-12C. Does anyone have an specific experience with the 12 B/C units?
The US resellers market these as 12 x 30 x 16 (z on the knee) which matches the Bridgport 9x42 travels. From watching some video I see that the scale needs to be specified a minimum of 1" longer travel than the actual travel to avoid crashing the read head into the end stop. When you specified the size of the scales did you increase the length to make it easy to reach existing features and tapped holes or did you spec the max travel plus 1"?
Direct conversion for range of travel is 304.8 mm x 762 mm x 406.4 mm
Round up for range of travel would be 305 x 762 x 407
Or do these guys prefer nearest 10 mm or something?
I believe that the X scale I have currently is the width of the table IIRC.
Thanks again
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