3-jaw chucks: Who makes what?

I've heard mostly good about Gator chucks. MOF, I'm thinking of getting one soon, unless I can score a nice Bison on sale.
I've heard mostly good about Gator chucks. MOF, I'm thinking of getting one soon, unless I can score a nice Bison on sale.

Splat, if you're looking for a Bison, have a look at these folks: http://www.rlstephenstool.com/lathe_chucks.htm. I got a 4 jaw from them a while back and saved about $250.00 when
compared with everybody else I looked at. They were easy to deal with over the phone, and my
chuck showed up within a few days as well.
Splat, if you're looking for a Bison, have a look at these folks: http://www.rlstephenstool.com/lathe_chucks.htm. I got a 4 jaw from them a while back and saved about $250.00 when
compared with everybody else I looked at. They were easy to deal with over the phone, and my
chuck showed up within a few days as well.

I just checked them out. Grizzly sells the 8" D1-5 4-jaw for less. Grizz wants $24 to ship though. I'm gonna have to call that company you provided and see what's what. Thanks.
It would be good to have a Buck Indicator chuck , but that would break the bank big time . I think at this point in time the Chinese cats are getting pretty good at the game . The thing about " replaceable " jaws is you can get aluminum " soft jaws " , bore them out to fit the part and then run out , among other things is not a issue .
I believe he meant a set-tru type chuck. And they are worth every penny in IMO.
Ah I see. I have 2 Bison Set-Tru chucks, I agree, I absolutely love them.
The down and dirty (read cheap) way of getting set tru action at less than set tru prices is to machine your backplate about 10 or 20 thou too wide, loosen mounting bolts of chuck to back plate just a bit tap chuck to get smallest runout then re-tighten bolts and check again. Another way is to mimic a set tru back plate with holes drilled in from perimeter and install set screws, a better set up, I actually double the set screws on top of each other for a locking effect. With my cheapo 5c collet chuck from CDCO , cobbled on to a D1-6 back plate with the set screws as mentioned I can get this cheap rig to dial in within a tenth or two. luckily my little lathe which is much older was purchased when Bison was still affordable gear, my set tru Bisons are marvelous, but out of reach for me anymore.

If I had my machining life to do over I would have saved a bunch of money and not bought 3 jaw chucks, just collet chucks and 4 jaws, maybe one 6 jaw for thin wall parts. Three jaws are handy but unless they are set tru they are a pain in derriere to reload a previously machined part in with any expectation of part running tru unless you do the tap tap tap routine with deadblow hammer. If I were mentoring a newbie I would strongly encourage learning to love a 4 jaw.
Never heard it called a Set-Tru , but then I don't know crapola plus I just turned 61 and I feel like boiled shi* . Indicator /Set -Tru chucks are super precision , the 6 jaw is ambrosia . Yes they work kinda' like a independent 4 jaw . But back to my alum. soft jaw , I'm sayin' good sub .
Never heard it called a Set-Tru , but then I don't know crapola plus I just turned 61 and I feel like boiled shi* . Indicator /Set -Tru chucks are super precision , the 6 jaw is ambrosia . Yes they work kinda' like a independent 4 jaw . But back to my alum. soft jaw , I'm sayin' good sub .

The actual name is "adjustable scroll chuck". Set-Tru is what Bison calls it. Others have their own names but all do the same thing, Buck = Adjust-Tru, Pratt Burnerd = Set-Rite, Gator = Tech-Tru. I believe Buck is the originator though.

Did someone say 6-jaw? I love 6-jaw chucks, that's what I primarily use but I do have a 3-jaw Set-Tru also. 6-jaw chucks are like chuck porn! :)

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