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Duct tape won't hold #2, that's what I looked like the third day in SEA. Lomotil is an amazing medication, think cork.
Okay, I know, I am an immature boy in an old man's body.

When #4675 is read right after #4674, it really changes the meaning that I think @Bi11Hudson was intending......

I know it was not intentional, but I found it funny!

Vise Grips might help for one of them. I don't think that duct tape will be of any use though.
Duct tape won't hold #2, that's what I looked like the third day in SEA. Lomotil is an amazing medication, think cork.
When we were kids my brother and I joined a local Boy Scout troop. It was a lot of fun and every year we looked forward to the 2-week camping trip. In those days we did more primitive camping than today. To get free camping we often would stay in state or county parks and clear brush or maintain logging roads to minimize or eliminate camping fees.

One summer we had a group of about 30 kids, half of which had never been camping before. Our scout master lined us all up like a of recruits at boot camp. Walking up and down the line like a Drill Sargent he then explained the value of properly cooking food on the campfire, and properly washing the dishes to avoid digestive problems and the resulting diarrhea.

At the end of the lecture, he pulled out an industrial size bottle of Kaopectate (which he referred to as Craptite) and a commercial mixing spoon. impressing on us that anyone caught running to the latrine because of bad cooking or dish washing practices would be required to take 3 spoons full of the medicine while everyone watched to be sure it all went down without spilling.

Needless to say, the lecture worked, and the Kaopectate went home unopened.
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