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We are doomed
These kids spawned from the womb with their heads down and their eyes glued to a smartphone. Their parents (somehow my "peers") rage at the schools if the teachers try to separate the kids from their phones during class. I guess you really don't learn jack when you're not focused and paying attention. Someday, kids of this generation will be our doctors, seeing us through to malpractice and early death old age. Nice thought.
These kids spawned from the womb with their heads down and their eyes glued to a smartphone. Their parents (somehow my "peers") rage at the schools if the teachers try to separate the kids from their phones during class. I guess you really don't learn jack when you're not focused and paying attention. Someday, kids of this generation will be our doctors, seeing us through to malpractice and early death old age. Nice thought.
At my school you are allowed on your phone in the hallways in between class and people are on their phones and walk into you and say it’s your fault, not that bad considering there is also kids who think they are animals and want litter boxes in the bathroom…
These kids spawned from the womb with their heads down and their eyes glued to a smartphone. Their parents (somehow my "peers") rage at the schools if the teachers try to separate the kids from their phones during class. I guess you really don't learn jack when you're not focused and paying attention. Someday, kids of this generation will be our doctors, seeing us through to malpractice and early death old age. Nice thought.
it's not only the kids. I used to watch Jay Leno's Jay Walking... They asked how many quarters in a whole... even a CPA got it wrong...
There are more stupid people than barely knowledgeable people in the USA. Goto India, or China and they have impoverished schools, but they all know the math, and are very well educated compared to our people.
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