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A while back (~40 years), I was living/working on Guam and in the Micronesian states. The local language, Chamorro, is a mixture of the native language of old, Spanish of old, and some Asian dialects. In any case, "cherisus" is a sausage and "gulagu" is a dog. A statesider like myself must be very careful about the inverted syntax from old Spanish. Such that 'cherisus galagu", meaning sausage dog in English, or daschund, should never be confused as "gulagu cherisus" or a "dog sausage" in English. Eating dogs is common in some Asian cultures but Guam is more Americanized where dogs are kept, often as "pets".

You can see some crazy sh*t when you go out drinking. The other night we were out hitting it pretty hard, and this lady got her nipple pierced right in front of me. Dangdest thing you ever saw.
On an unrelated note, well, maybe not totally unrelated. I found out that when I'm drunk, I can't play darts for sh*t.
Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?

I married my wife for her looks, just not the ones she's giving me lately.

I changed my password to "incorrect". So whenever I forget what it is the computer will say "Your password is incorrect".
I think we need a rule such as no repeating jokes for at least 3 months :laughing:
yea, things are getting a little out of hand. Some are less than a page away and being repeated. At least look at the dozen or so jokes before putting one up... sheeeeeesh...
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