2021 POTD Thread Archive

Wow i do miss the snow, today is christmas and we do not have snow in fact it is 15 C (60 F)degrees.

Beautiful place there! I'm looking forward to getting back to Colorado... maybe this summer...

that looks like how badly I park. Not through intent, just incompetence :)
My brother was similar when he got back from university, few years driving and parking in Kumanovo, he had to learn also cost him couple of cars, now if he stops to treat any car like a rental, he may turn out ok.
I did this few days ago, i took the broken clutch cable and had the cable replaced cost 6,5$ that took one day. Also left a mark on my hand installing it, can you guess what type of clip it was. After that i went in the big garage and started to cut apart the spare parts car body, middle of that job i got a call to help a friend, so i left it like this. Maybe in a few day over christmas it will get done on its own:laughing:.
one thing's for sure on these front drive cars is that they're so cramped that they'll extract a drop of blood every time you work on them!

As for me nothing exciting, but replaced the battery in my laptop as it took a sudden turn for the worse and was starting to bulge. Only cost $35 and took about 5 minutes, battery life seems similar to the original 6 or so years ago. Here's the old one:
Not machining but tastes good. Bottled 22 quarts of sauerkraut. Kind of like machining though, holding 15 psi in a pressure vessel.

Blowing down for the next load.


Interesting observation, brought the jars in and they started bubbling. They were 120 F, guess they'd pulled -13 psi vacuum and were boiling again.

