This morning, I finished up using my craft cutter, I mean, CNC-controlled gasket maker. I have a Chevy small block that I cannot find a carburetor adapter for. I ordered one that was supposedly compatible, but unfortunately, it didn't fit, and would have left me with a massive vacuum leak :
Remembering my wife got me a Silhouette to cut stencils for customizing some guns, I thought it would be perfect for making a template that I can use making a custom adapter. So, I broke out the paper and colored pencils and computers :
I scanned it in, and adjusted the levels using my photo editor so I could see the edges clearly (I use Gimp) :
Then I loaded Inkscape (yes, I am an open source junkie) and traced that image into bezier curves (in the following photo, there are circles - don't do those because they didn't transfer - I had to redo this part) :
At that point, I could export it as DXF (plotter/cutter) and import the DXF into Silhouette Studio :
Then, send it to the "printer" :
Peel it off of the cutting board
carefully (or you'll tear it) :
And test fit (I did one cut, it was out of size, so I adjusted it in Silhouette and re-cut it and have a perfect pattern) :
Now I need a chunk of aluminum to machine this out of. I can drop the pattern down and use spray paint to transfer the cuts out.