After sitting outside tarped on the trailer for the last 6-8 wks, I finally got the Gorton mill off the trailer and into the new shop. It would still be there, but I needed the trailer to pick up several tons of used steel I ran across today and need to pickup tomorrow. The original plan was to have the backhoe in the shop, back the trailer in and lift the mill by the ram and pull the trailer out from underneath it. After looking it over I just wasn't comfortable hanging 8k lbs from the ram, so i ended up getting it off pretty much the same way I got it on. Blocked up the rear of the trailer, set up the ramps, put a logging chain around the base of the the mill and slowly pulled it back onto the ramps and down onto some sections of pipe. Now I need to move it about 20 feet to it's new permanent home. The pic with the vacum in it is the area where it will be going once I get the painting done, and the metal wainscoting up. I think I'm going to cut a hole in the wall into the welding area next door for the rear of the ram to go through, which will cut down the machine foot print by about 20". This thing is 7.5' from front to rear. Found a Navy i.d. tag on the vertical head dated 1961, and found the silicone dam on the rear of the vise/table for the flood cooling to be kind of interesting. Mike