Back in the VERY distant past, I used of those a couple of times to verify that the machinist who made the parts I needed correctly. Today my digital calipers are quite sufficient in my home shop. Neat devices. Congrats!
I bought an old Delta/Rockwell 6" Belt Sander.There was a "Chico Unified School District" sticker on it. I bought it at an auction along with the band saw. I am selling the saw but I am keeping this belt sander.
The first time I plugged it in the breaker kicked. I replaced the upper drum bearings with quality McMaster Carr, It runs great now. Cleans up edges cut on the band saw very nice. Fast too. I love it.
Couple eBay scores. First 3 brand new Brown & Sharpe #7 taper end mills. 5/8 diameter 2-1/2 cutting length. My gray mill has the #7 B&S taper. Second is a brand new MG depth mic.
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