2018 Archive

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That is very generous of you but i was just joking with you. No need to.

Well, turns out that's a good thing. I unloaded the box a while ago and started going through it. All the end mills with the wax on them were in one compartment of a drawer. I guess somebody decided they needed them worse than I do. I guess between the time I bought it and the time I loaded it, somebody pocketed a half-dozen new end mills.

I'm not happy about that, but there's still enough there that I came out alright. I haven't had that happen at an auction in years. Lesson learned...
Thats sad atleast they didnt take the instruments though and you got a nice kennedy box out of it so.
Well, turns out that's a good thing. I unloaded the box a while ago and started going through it. All the end mills with the wax on them were in one compartment of a drawer. I guess somebody decided they needed them worse than I do. I guess between the time I bought it and the time I loaded it, somebody pocketed a half-dozen new end mills.

I'm not happy about that, but there's still enough there that I came out alright. I haven't had that happen at an auction in years. Lesson learned...

There's a dirt bag around every corner.
Ok, so I actually bought this the other day, but brought it home today.:D

Big shout out to Bob Korves, Ulma Doctor, and Rex Walters for their help relocating the mill. I sure am lucky to have such good people close enough to help me out!
Hi hman, I started with the basic kit shown above and added a few extras. The dual port at the mill station, various valves and fittings and the gauge. I found I needed more mounting clips. It worked out well, used all but 10 feet.
I bought plane tickets . The wife and daughter are heading to Vegas tomorrow morning thru Friday to see a Reba McIntyre and Brooks and Dunn concert . The tickets were round trip , if otherwise , I would be buying more and MORE TOOLS ! :(;)
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