Not bad, it's not mirror smooth, but it is flat and smooth to the touch. This was hand feed, and I am using the Chinese inserts, which are not exactly concentric and regular in size. This is about 30.00 with head, arbor shafts (.75") and a box of 10 inserts. I'm pretty sure about the price, I would have to check my orders.
Cuts were in the range of 2-3 thousandths, I did not want to stress the head or the inserts.
My verdict, I'm happy with my purchase, I will know more in the next couple of weeks, but right now, I only want and need something that can give me a decent fly cuting that can be cleaned up with some lapping and a stone.
If money is tight, and you would like to try a multi cutter insert, this is a pretty decent lowbuck entry point. Not positive about its long range durability, the hold down screws for the inserts and the pull down holders are questionable, I guess they are replaceable with better ones...
(Edit) cuts were done on some old gummy crs 1018 I had in the shop.