I found a local auction site on Craigslist a couple days ago. The current auction was about to close, so I didn't have time to go there and actually look at the items. But I bid on a set of Brown & Sharpe telescoping gauges and an inside micrometer set . I won that evening. eBay style bidding, and my price was $95 for both. Adding buyer's premium and sales tax, it came to a total of ~$113. Picked the items up yesterday.
Checked the inside mike against my 2" outside mike, and it's right on at 1 ½ and 2". The mike head itself only moves ½", so there's a ½" spacer you can add or leave off to get the full range (1 ½" to 8 ½", .001" resolution) with just 7 rods. The telescoping gauges all look great, though some of them seem a bit gritty and one is a bit sticky (gummed up lube?) Anybody know how to disassemble these for cleaning?
Image is from the auction site, https://alotsalesandauctions.hibid.com
Checked the inside mike against my 2" outside mike, and it's right on at 1 ½ and 2". The mike head itself only moves ½", so there's a ½" spacer you can add or leave off to get the full range (1 ½" to 8 ½", .001" resolution) with just 7 rods. The telescoping gauges all look great, though some of them seem a bit gritty and one is a bit sticky (gummed up lube?) Anybody know how to disassemble these for cleaning?
Image is from the auction site, https://alotsalesandauctions.hibid.com
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