Another one of those projects that seems to take forever.
Someone here mentioned a while ago that they were making duplicate banjos for their lathe. I got to wondering...(dangerous occupation) could I use multiple banjos? Well, if I had more gears, and some more hardware, pivots, spacers, etc. Study of the manual determined that some threads required only one intermediate gear, thus a single slot, others required two intermediate gears, two slots. I pulled the banjo, (not as easy as I had hoped) and drew it off, then worked it up in pseudo-AutoCad, with dimensions. I bought a couple of pieces of 1/8" 1018 and got to work. I made two of each.
I haunted eBay for a while, mostly was one gear for $10 to $15 plus shipping. Eventually I found a seller offering 7 gears and a couple of hardware pieces for a little over twice what the others were asking for one gear, and bought the lot. I also bought a small packet of 1 1/2" by quarter inch carriage bolts, washers and nuts. A couple of pieces of 5/8 drill rod turned into a variety of spacers and pivots.
It all came together this week.
The top set up is for .0028 feed. I haven't been happy with a heavier feed on this little (Clausing MK2, 6-20) lathe. The second is 32 pitch for threads and the third is 24 pitch. I just used the 24 pitch for threading the current 3/8 Alum tube project. The left hand gears are all set, ready to install, no adjustment needed between them, just where they connect with the drive train. It isn't as easy as a quick change gear box, but it sure beats tear down and set up a new ratio on the old banjo. Note the 'leg' on the top banjo, I had some trouble with this setup wanting to jump out of gear, so I reinforced it.