The little niva has been reliable, i've driven it couple of times a week and it's been getting better. That said the engine is gutless, it has no real power. Raising the compression made it more rev happy but uphill still needs downshifting. So i decided to start collecting parts for a better engine build. I want to keep the original lada engine block and head but i need to get as much power out that i can. Tested theory is to increase its size, so i bought 82,8mm pistons from the newer nivas and i've started looking for 2litre fiat crank. With the pistons only i'll have a 1720cc or with the crank 1948cc compared to 1586cc now. The prices have incrised a lot in the last few months, i paid 80 Euros for the pistons, half a year ago thy word 65e and by the end of summer will be more then 100e. Last i shared some of the forests i've been driving thru with the littel niva.