The 041 numbers are for the later No. 6822. 10-761 and 10-762 are the equivalent parts for the No, 760. The difference is that the 6822 fits the later 1/2" bed and the 760 the 3/8" bed. None of the reverse engineered drawings include the two clamps. All that we appear to have are the isometric assembly drawings. And you can't tell from those what the difference is. The 760 parts list, which dates from the 40's or maybe even earlier, does not list the commercial nuts, bolts or screws. With the mounting brackets (either number), you will also need two 10-770 clamp plates and some bolts, nuts and screws. Size and length are shown on the 6822 instruction sheet. But not on the 760 one as back then, commercial parts were not usually listed for anything.
In any case, the instruction sheets for both versions are in Downloads.