Yet another hard lesson learned - loose screws can really muck up a print


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
Long story, but today I learned that loose thumb screws on the heat tube on a MK4 translates to lots of goobers, blobbing, and general mayhem. Got so bad that the nozzle would get blobbed up during the purge and then it dragged the blob to the beginning of the print.

Not satisfied with that, the extruder failed to extrude at all for the first layer. I held the filament lightly during the first layer and it felt like the extruder was ejecting the filament during the first layer. About 1/4 way into the second layer, the filament started to extrude correctly. Quite weird.

Tightened the little thumb wheels on the extruder, and all the problems went away. No excess filament during purge, no dragging of carp, a nice clean print. It was amazing what two little thumb screws would do. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if it was the ultimate cause of strange PETG inclusions in my TPU prints. It's like getting a new printer all over again.

Which two screws? The two black thumb screws near the red and blue wires. They hold the heat tube and nozzle to the heater block. Lost a day fooling with this...