Wtb: Jacobs Chuck 3/8-1inch 20n


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 6, 2012
Long shot...
Does anyone have a Jacobs 20N chuck (or similar) that will hold drills up to 1inch?
Preferably with a MT4 shank.
It's the kind of thing you likely don't use very often, but she'd be real handy to hold the 1inch center drills I have.
I'm dragging my feet on paying new, or Ebay pricing.
Alternatively, I'll make a collet holder attached to a MT4 shank for the tailstock.

Thanks for digging to the bottom of you tooling pile and looking.


I have two that will probably be like "prying my cold dead fingers" off of for me to sell.
BUT, I do have an extra repair kit, jaws and nut, if you do find one that the jaws are buggered up and need replacing.
I know I'm no help here, but though I'd at least offer one of my repair kits.
I always get concerned about buying anything off eBay I have some vague hope is precise. Your offer of selling the kit is appreciated.


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Hey Daryl,
I have a 6A chuck on a MT4 shank; it was created by a very good machinist friend of mine. I know it's not capable of 1" bits, but I'm not using it. You're welcome to it if you want it, let me know, and I'll put it in the mail.
I'd not heard of a 6A. So much I don't know....
A bit of internet research suggests these are vintage chucks with a great reputation.
The old iron theme is just my thing!
I'll PM you so that we can work out a price and shipping arrangements.

Thanks all!

I don't have a 20N but I do have a Jacobs catalog. The 20N is a ball bearing chuck and the only chuck listed that goes up to 1". They classify all of their plain bearing chucks as either light duty or medium duty. The former go up to 1/2" and the latter only go up to 3/4". The 6A is a light duty chuck with a capacity of 0-1/2". It was made in three versions, 6A-E, 6A-2A and 6A-33, where the suffix is the Jacobs taper on the back of the chuck. By comparison, the 20N has a 5 JT.
Thanks for the Jacobs chuck info!
I hadn't stumbled on this information anywhere else?
Would it be possible to scan and post the relevant pages?


OK. Done. Go to Downloads. In the left pane, click on the word Downloads to open up the list of folders. Go down to Machine Accessories (Generic) and click on that. Finally click on Chucks (Lathe and Drill). You will see the name of the PDF in the right pane. Note that the file, unlike most that I do, is formatted for reading, not for printing.
Hey Daryl, just wanted to tell you that the chuck should get to you Monday; hope you can use it. By the way, there is no key, you'll have to find one.