Would you buy this lathe?

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That’s the brute force method of dialing in a 4-jaw!

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I was thinking more about the money that has been made too. Balance? What's That? Run it.... :grin:
He’s just wacking the drive shaft to line it up at the beginning of the video and most of the force is close to the tailstock. Interrupted cuts are probably every bit as hard on a lathe as what he’s doing. Might not be how I treat my lathe, but I doubt he’s really hurting anything.
"Git 'er done!" I like it, craftsmen keeping a lot of trucks and busses on the road.
My FIL’s best friend did that and had work in his shop from literally all over the US. He wanted me to work for him because he had a hard time finding people, but I wanted out of doing anything to do with automotive and wanted out of the Central Valley. It was interesting work and he would have been a great person to learn from because he had done it all. But I knew I’d still be there if I went there and that’s not where I wanted to be. I didn’t see it as any more dangerous than any of the other work I’d been involved with. You just can’t get in a hurry or cut corners. And never forget what you’re doing or get too comfortable.
And all while using the combination chuck wrench/slag hammer.
We don’t need no stinking safety glass’s.
And ground placement for the welder?
This is how a lot of the world does things.
And it works for them.
Well done lads.
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