Whyemier's Shop...Well Sorta


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 28, 2011
I see a lot of stuff in that very nice large space.
I am jealous as I have to do with a 10x12 foot space until I can get a large shack made up. The power in charge (town bylaws) want way too much fee for a simple building. If you want to build you may as well build a full house to justify the fees.
Empty space is self filling at the inverse of the available free space. Bigger the space, faster the filling! @#@#@#
I believe I would put a blocker of two easily removable chains to keep the horses out and me cooler with the fan running, What do you think? By the way, my shop is so jammed I have to spend 30 minutes moving things to do anything on the lathe or mill. My shop lives in a two car carage and the misses thinks she should be able to get her car in. Don't you know the metal cuttings on the floor would just tear up the tires...

Best Wishes