Where to install a tachometer on a knee mill

Janderso, That is what I ended up using and it functions fine. Bonus points: I can check the rpm's on all my other machines with it, plus the mower, car, fan, etc. The one I got was from Ebay for about $15.
Those little wire clips from Amazon got the job done.

I just ordered a pack of these to try for 7$, but I wonder if they'll fall off the first time oils splashes on one.
I'd suggest the following:

1. Before attaching the clip, clean the machine surface with isopropyl alcohol; let it dry thoroughly.
2. Open a fresh mini-tube of super glue (I like the itty bitty ones from Harbor Freight).
3. Remove the liner from the double-stick tape on the bottom of the mount.
4. Put just a few drops, widely spaced, on the sticky surface.
5. Carefully position and press the mount down on the machine surface.

The stickum on the tape will hold the mount in position while the super glue "kicks." Just be sure you put it in the correct position to begin with!

Removal of the mount is best done by slicing through the double-stick, then either scraping the residue off the machine's surface or dissolving it with mineral spirits or acetone.