When it rains it pours! KO Lee Tool & Cutter grinder

That thing looks like a tool slide from a hand screw machine.

I very well may be... It's got a Hardinge tag on it. It's a rapid travel slide with a threaded stop on both ends. The lever moves a rack and pinion to advance/retract the slide. The aluminum plate is actually attached to part of another dovetail (female dovetail).

I very well may be... It's got a Hardinge tag on it. It's a rapid travel slide with a threaded stop on both ends. The lever moves a rack and pinion to advance/retract the slide. The aluminum plate is actually attached to part of another dovetail (female dovetail).

The Aluminium plate is mounted to the bottom of the cross slide found on Hardinge & Feeler turret lathes. Typical use for the Cross slide is to mount forming tools
The Aluminium plate is mounted to the bottom of the cross slide found on Hardinge & Feeler turret lathes. Typical use for the Cross slide is to mount forming tools
Usually forming tools in the front and cutoff tools in the back.