What flux core wire are you using?


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2016
I need to buy another spool of flux core wire for my little HF welder. I use .030 wire. The welder is used mostly on sheet metal on my 1966 MG Midget that I am resurrecting. Would like to know what other people are using in their flux core wire welders.
The flux core welder is what I have and there is no money in the budget for anything else. This is what I was working on today. This is in the driver side fender well. You can only see a little of the rust cancer in this photo. There was more after I got all of the paint removed.


I welded in a patch to cover the rusted out area.


I still have more grinding to do to smooth everything out. Tomorrow's project is to work on the underside. I will be removing most of the rust cancer and then weld in a patch.


This is the worst of the rust cancer that I have to fix. A prior owner instead of fixing the rust covered it with undercoating. I only discovered the rust when I removed the undercoating in prepping for paint. The remaining rust spots are a couple of small holes in the passenger side foot well that I will cover with an epoxy patch. The other welding that I have to do is welding a new tunnel to fit over the transmission.


It turns out that I cut out more of the tunnel than I needed to. So I will be welding part of what I cut out back in place and only have to fabricate a small portion of the tunnel.

I don't really consider this to be body work.
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We used to use .023 in the shop for sheet metal but that was WITH gas. It allowed the use of lower currents and made for easier welding with sheet metal. I Do understand the need for using what you can afford. I Also keep fluxed wire here in case I have to weld outdoors with the wind as a factor. It is .030 or .035--can't remember as I don't use it much. Have to obviously change tips but if you have to go mobile, it IS nice to not have to drag a tank around. Mike
Been using blue demon .035 at my shop for years (auto repair) I think it works best for rusty metals,tried a bunch like it best.
When I was searching for info on flux core wire I ran across a post somewhere about not needing the nozzle. That poster opined that the nozzle on a flux core welder serves no purpose and you have better visibility without it. I have not done this. Any merit to this?
There is a slender nozzle for fluxcore shaped like a cone. Local welding supply should have it.
Thanks for the info about flux core nozzles. Home Depot has them. I did some welding yesterday without the nozzle and it was much easier to see what I was doing.