What atomizing gas to use for a diesel fired boiler light off?

Do what CluelessNewB said and get "air" not oxygen from a welding supply. They even sell bottles just for air in many different sizes.

Oops I just saw your last post.
I have been involved with these steam issues since back in the 1970s, and have used propane for startup for atomizing liquid fuel, it works well and gives a pilot light in the balance. I used to make the "Williams" atomizing nozzles, and built the "York" compound steam launch engines.
I designed that one, made the patterns and sold that one in the video and web site as complete engines, (I think) I could not see enough fine details on the video to be sure whether it was sold as a complete engine or a casting kit.
The boat shown belongs to my old friend, Dick Vennerbeck.
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Yes, you could, but I doubt that you'd have enough air for that start up time. On my first boat, I used a small gas engine to run an air compressor for start up; my second boat, I opted for a solid fuel capable boiler; fire up on wood, then use both wood and oil as desired/needed.
That would likely work, but propane combined with oil gives more heat; you can't feed a "normal" amount of oil because the propane eats up some combustion air, but every little BTU helps.
I was thinking more a propane burner to heat the boiler before turning the diesel on.