What a mess


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2016
When you buy a lot on ebay sometimes it's a lot of work. Everything was thrown into 1 box, on arrival drill bits were leaking out. The organizer the taps are in is mine everything was loose in the box. This guy likes his small taps, I don't recall a #3, everything else 0 - 12 though.

Good deal. I stopped buying lots like that. Got tired of getting beat up empty boxes. I would like to know what the post office does with all the stuff that falls out of the boxes. I used to keep filling out that online form, but after a few years of not hearing anything, I do not believe they even try to match up found items with claims.
The incoming Greenfields are all marked and in their original boxes Mike . Maybe you could fill in the blanks once they arrive . :encourage:
I'll have to organize a drawer, my biggest tap right now is 3/4, and I got pipe plug taps up to 1 1/2 I think. I get what I want/need out of the lots, but sure get some extraneous stuff too.
:encourage: BTW , you don't know what a REAL mess looks like ! :grin: YET ! :big grin:
Are you saying that you need pipe taps and reamers ? Ooops , nevermind , I read that incorrectly .
That is true....
Going home work is done
I gave huge reamers to a friends shop, and I'm pipe taped out....
LOL ……………………...you have them or not ?
We could look at the + .500 sizes