WD40 & cast-iron

Use my Amsoil heavy duty metal protector for long-term storage. Amsoil regular metal protector does not gum up firearms. We recently introduced firearm cleaner and protector

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When I read more than once people said WD40 is kerosene, I wanted to reply with what I "knew" about WD40 ingredients. I've "known" for years that the main ingredient of WD40 is fish oil. I swear I read that somewhere very official, it was the truth. But I felt I would be challenged on that so I needed to cite my source. Went to the WD40 website and they deny any fish oil is in it. They say it's a secret recipe nobody knows what is in it but definately not fish oil. Now I have to know what it is. The answer was only a google away. These guys analyzed it with a gas chromatograph; reverse engineered the "secret" recipe. No kerosene in it either.
