Tough, tough couple of weeks for me


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2019
The long and short of it is my mother passed today, after being in hospice for five days. Prior to that she had been in the hospital for about a week. She had a stroke and had deteriorated rapidly. Unfortunately, the stroke affected her throat and she was unable to swallow or to prevent food from coming up and into her lungs. Have to say it was one of the more painful experiences for me, (and obviously for her) to watch her wasting away. The Lord finally took mercy on her and took her this morning. I've not been here much, simply because I wanted to spend as much time with her as I possibly could.

I'm really not one for exposing my pain or sorrow in public, but here I am. What makes this harder for me, is it is nearly 4 years to the day that my father passed. It's hard being thrust into the position of patriarch and "chief adult" of the family, but it is my duty to my family. Still working out all the details, and trying to get all the family gathered. So I may be a little bit out of sorts for a while, but I hope to start the grieving and recovery process. There's obviously more to do, but I won't bore you with the details.

Thanks for being here. You are my other family. To be honest, I think you all are better behaved at times. :)
The long and short of it is my mother passed today, after being in hospice for five days. Prior to that she had been in the hospital for about a week. She had a stroke and had deteriorated rapidly. Unfortunately, the stroke affected her throat and she was unable to swallow or to prevent food from coming up and into her lungs. Have to say it was one of the more painful experiences for me, (and obviously for her) to watch her wasting away. The Lord finally took mercy on her and took her this morning. I've not been here much, simply because I wanted to spend as much time with her as I possibly could.

I'm really not one for exposing my pain or sorrow in public, but here I am. What makes this harder for me, is it is nearly 4 years to the day that my father passed. It's hard being thrust into the position of patriarch and "chief adult" of the family, but it is my duty to my family. Still working out all the details, and trying to get all the family gathered. So I may be a little bit out of sorts for a while, but I hope to start the grieving and recovery process. There's obviously more to do, but I won't bore you with the details.

Thanks for being here. You are my other family. To be honest, I think you all are better behaved at times. :)
Last month my wife lost her sister. She was in intensive care for over a week. It's not easy watching someone die. You have our prayers my friend. Mark
It’s hard to lose anyone but especially so a parent. My Mom has been gone for ten years already and my Dad was not far behind. I still think of them daily but most of the time it’s with a smile as I recall the good times and closeness of the bond. I hope you too may get peace as you think back on all the good times you shared together. I’m pretty sure she would want that.

Very sorry to read these news, our condolences. May she rest in peace. You and your family are in our prayers.

Losing our loved ones, specially our parents, leaves an emptiness that only time can help us to deal with it… wishing you the strength to be able to navigate through all this.
I'm really sorry to hear that Bruce. The consolation is that your Mom is no longer suffering. I personally have difficulty watching other people who are in pain so I can imagine what you are going through.

I lost both my parents eleven years ago and with the passing of an older cousin a few years later, I became the patriarch of my entire generation.

I wish you well in dealing with this.