Tool (Book) Gloat


Bill Gruby

Forum Guest
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I just got home. The War Department dragged me to the Good Will Store. A friend called her and told her they had the dishes she is collecting. I was looking thru the books when the kid that works in the back came out and started putting some on the shelf. I said "don't you ever get any engineering books in here. He said sometimes and said come with me. In the back they had a box full of Machinerys Handbooks with two Guide Books. I asked how much and he asked how many do you want. Naturally I said all of them. He got the manager and he said "How Does $2,.50 each sound. I said sold. Volumes 5 -10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 and 19. Guide books 15 - 16 ------ $32.50 +Tax out the door.

"Billy G"

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I hope you didn't let the war dept know.
This is potentialy a bad precedent, and will encourage others to believe that we should be similarly entertained.


Now if she had not dragged you to the thrift store... well the books may still be there... or in someone else's shop.

Fair trade if you ask me... as long as it does not become a habit... :)
It's not that I mind going with her, the timing was wrong. I was busy on the Sheldon project. Shee needed to get there right then to see what they had. Alls well that ends well.

"Billy G"
Very nice score! I will have to ask next time I am in there if they have any enginering books. They sure never have them on the selves when I'm in there.
yeah i"m jealous its indeed a gloat, now we all know who to ask about anything !!
Even my luck will run short sooner or later Terry. I hope more later than sooner though. I don't even prompted me to ask the kid. I will ask from now on though.

"Billy G"