this seems like the right place


Oct 15, 2011
finally cleaned my garage tonight so that the two cars will fit inside and i can get to and use the area as a shop again.
neighbor asked me the other day why i wasn't at work on my normal days. i had never discussed my schedule with him and he mentioned my truck being in the driveway when it should be away.
now everyone will have to wonder when we are here again.
Cars are supposed to go in the garage? Who ever heard of such a thing? ;)

(My wife, that's who. I am reminded of it constantly!)

Sounds like you are getting things in order, that's great.

looking back on my life experience i am surprised at the number of people that never consider putting their cars in the garage. storing things that haven't been used in years, a place to dry out scuba gear, a place to shape surfboards, a wood shop, a metal shop, a hot rod shop, a place for the dog to hide from the sun and many more things. but i think my dad is the only one i know who puts the car away when they get home. i guess that's where i get it. to each their own. for a second night the cars are tucked away in bed.
yeah - I've lived at my current location for 33 years, and my personal vehicles have not seen the inside of my garage for the last 20+ years. Well. not the four wheeled ones anyhow........