Thirsty again. Double Pots


H-M Supporter - Sustaining Member
H-M Platinum Supporter
Aug 29, 2019
Here I am again thirsty for knowledge. I have a couple of the Align power feed units on my mills and one on my lathe. At the lowest setting on the speed pot is not slow enough to satisfy me and when I turn it all the way down it stops on all 3 of them. I have ordered some contact cleaner to spray on the existing pots to hopefully improve the speed ranges but if not, my question is it possible to wire thru 2 pots? In other words a double reduction. Thanks in advance for all comments.
I doubt it. You will run into the area in the torque curve where the power drops off to near zero and just the friction of the gears etc stop the motor. After that the magic smoke comes out and it stops working. Need more gear to slow it down more.
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