The proper way to move your shop

I have total respect for the Amish. They live in such simpler life, and don't want to hurt anyone. They do things I love doing, but do it simpler. We are closer than farther apart. You realize they just grabbed the community and moved it in short order. In our world, multiple days, permits, rig it, move it, reset it. They went over uneven ground and didn't blink... I was surprised that they were captured on film. They don't allow that, and yet the farmer was there with a video up close.

Thanks for posting this. It was amazing.
That's more people than would attend a single church. I've been reading "Amish Peace", and although I like the principles of non-violence, simplicity, and doing more with less, there are several things that I don't agree with in their sayings. Working as a community is great, though, and it resolves a lot of the anger issues people tend to fabricate with their neighbors. I especially like the idea of an exchange based barter economy. It is one of the best ways of living beyond one's (apparent) means.