Technology knows no bounds


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
Do you ever just stop and think how the world has changed in just the past 20 years?
I'm bored. I'm at work with nothing to do. 13 days left.

I'm going through my drawers and files.
Look what I found!! These were state of the art for about a week and a half.
Remember the 56K modem? dial up!!
Heck, we get over 400MBPS and a short few years ago we were waiting for pages to download forever it seemed.
Where are we going to be in another 20 years?


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You could ask me the same question
Several years ago I was at a Christmas party at one of the founders of US Robotics home, snapped the picture there.

I don't go back quite that far but I did have a 300 baud modem that I upgraded to 1200 baud....

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And not too long before 1.44MB floppies, there was this:

Wow, that looks like a 1950's Flash Gordon type Space Craft! First puter I ever had used the 5" floppies, and the 1.44's. I use the 1.44's in my 2007 Haas, and for writing programs for it on my Windows 7 puter. Could upgrade to the thumb drive, but for as often as I do a new program, the 1.44's work fine. Getting hard to find I'm told, so I stocked up on a few.
Yup. My kids found an old rock 8 track (Rush, a farewell to kings) I had in a box. They couldn't understand how something that big could only hold a few songs. I told them "yea, but it least the sound was horrible and you had to jam paper in the top to get the head to line up." My son said "Who's head?"